How to Play Blackjack: Basic Blackjack Rules

Blackjack is a relatively simple game to learn how to play. Most of the rules made available to the general public are actually quite simple and easy to understand. However, to win at blackjack, you need to take more than just understanding of the rules; you need to have a cutting edge on how to actually play like a blackjack professional. The following is a breakdown of just how to play blackjack, blackjack rules, and essential blackjack strategies.

The very first thing that you have to do is to learn and completely learn the official blackjack rules.

Do not worry about being proficient in the game because learning how to play blackjack will not be a problem, but you really want to know exactly what you are doing. The following points are considered the most essential blackjack strategies to increase your chances of winning.

It is best that you get familiar with the game first. Make sure you know all the different hands in blackjack, the values, and what each one does. Make sure you know all the different possibilities in winning as well. These would include everything from pocket versus double down, to insurance and more. In addition, be sure to know the different blackjack rules on when to HIT, STAND, DOUBLE, etc. All of these strategies will depend on the particular situation of the particular game. However, there are many online resources that have a complete beginner’s blackjack guide that will teach you the SYSTEMS and STRATEGIES OF Willis Wheelock’s 28 points. You can go to if you want to know all the other blackjack strategies as well as watch live play of expert players take down the game.

It is also important to increase your own blackjack knowledge. Do you know the difference in the house advantage to CARDS one is dealt versus DEALER’S choice? Know the Airl carrier better or if the house benefit is 5.4% to 6.6% only? If you are scratching your head as to why some cards cost more to play than others, then you need to focus on this game. If you are scratching because you don’t know the difference, then you can play games with minimal expense, but in this game, you need to know the psychology of the game and exactly how to play each hand. In fact, this is the only game in which it is possible to gain a psychological edge. Once you master the art of counting cards, you will be able to guess the total number of decks left in the shoe, the tricks card showed, the dealer’s emotional state, and a thousand other little things that will allow you to get a slight edge on the house.

When you learn to count cards, you will learn that the most important cards to watch are the Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and ten. These cards are often called community cards because they are shared by all of the players. That means if you are dealt a card on any of these cards, you have that option. You can take it, you can leave it, but you cannot take it back. Keeping track of these cards is very important because when you are gambling, the last thing that you want to do is get caught up in the card-counting algorithm used by the casino. If you are not at the casino to count cards, you’re just doing the casino’s job for them.

The pair of tens is the worst card at the table according to the casino. They are called tie-ups, and it is bad luck to be dealt that hand. If you are dealt a pair of tens, opt to split them; there is a better chance of winning in two. The worst hand ever dealt to a player is a pair of nines, and that result is always negative. The pair of aces are the most powerful cards in the game of blackjack, and anything lower than that is just not worth playing.

Take care with your ace, king, and queen if you are playing in a face down game since these are the cards that the dealer will be dealt from the deck–and you don’t want to be dealt a card that the dealer will already have. If you are playing in a top deck, you don’t want to be dealt a card that the dealer already has. Once again, cards in motion count!

The ace on your fist step is not supposed to be touching any of the cards on the table since it is considered a high card–and a two step can ruin your advantage. Touching the ace will give the dealer an extra pair of threes that they could use to complete a straight or a flush.

If you are dealt a queen, keep in mind that other players are not supposed to be dealt queens unless they also have an ace in the hole, which they most likely will.